
Yeast Die-Off Symptoms

You’re ready for your yeast-free eating program, you’ve prepared your meals, and you’re stocked with the proper medications and/or supplements that you’ll need to kill the yeast in your colon. But what happens when yeast die?

Yeast Die-Off or Herxheimer Reaction

Yeast die-off (detoxification), or the Herxheimer reaction, occurs when you start an anti-yeast or anti-Candidiasis program, also known as the yeast-free diet, Candida diet or Candida cleanse. When you treat yeast overgrowth, large numbers of yeast cells die off quickly, releasing their toxins into the body. These toxins are quickly absorbed into the colon membrane and circulate throughout the entire body causing adverse symptoms. These toxins affect the mucous membranes in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, sexual and urinary organs, sinuses, Eustachian tubes in the ears, bronchi, lymphatics, and even the joints. This explains why the entire body reacts to die-off; the body must eliminate these toxins. 

Each person’s die-off reaction is different. Your body will react in a unique and individual way. Often your symptoms may be an exacerbation of symptoms already present or a representation of new symptoms never before experienced. Some sort of “die-off” reaction, be it subtle or severe, tells you that the treatment for yeast is working. However, the severity of your die-off reaction is not directly related to the amount of yeast in your system.

Some symptoms may include:

• Fatigue

• Headaches

• Flu-like Symptoms

• Aching Joints

• Irritability

• Dizziness/Lightheadedness

• Nausea/Cramping

• Dry Mouth

• Eczema

• Bowel/Stool Changes

• Bloating/Gas

• Yeast Infections

• Bladder Infection

• Sinus Infection

• Generalized Itching/Rash

• Food Cravings

• Decreased Appetite

These symptoms do not mean that you are having a drug reaction or that you are allergic to Nystatin. It only means the medication is doing its job by going into the large intestine and killing the yeast in the spore form. Symptoms can last anywhere from several days to two weeks. It is different for each individual. 

Staying strictly on your yeast-free eating program will help tremendously.

Occasionally reducing (not stopping) the dosage of Nystatin, if needed, will slow down the die-off process, making symptoms more tolerable.

We recommend that you obtain a supplement called Neutra Caps from Physicians Preference Vitamins to take along with the anti-yeast medications for the duration of the die-off symptoms. Neutra Caps (sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate) devour the toxins dumped by the dying yeast cells. Neutra Caps are pure and very effective. You may take one or two Neutra Caps with each dose of Nystatin.

When you begin taking Fluconazole (which kills a more mature form of the yeast that has migrated to other parts of the body and the bloodstream) after two weeks on the eating program, die-off symptoms may again occur. Whenever symptoms do occur, contact your provider if you are unsure of the origin of your complaints.

Remember, die-off is a temporary condition. Detoxing the body is important for the absorption of your hormones, nutrients, and supplements.

We are here to help.

Do you have questions about the yeast-free eating program or your vitamin and supplement needs? Please call us with any questions at 281-646-1659 and speak with one of our Certified Holistic Nutritionists and Vitamin Consultants. It will be our privilege to serve you!